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          The Association for Women in Communications

HomeNational Committees

Get Involved - Join a National Committee

As a national committee member, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your unique talents alongside other dedicated members to further the advancement of AWC. Committee members help organize the monthly professional development events, membership drives, and student engagements. Additionally, committee members take part in the coordination of AWC National Conferences and the annual Clarion Awards competition. 
Which committee is right for you? Learn more below and discover where your talents will make the best fit. 


Length of service on committees is up to the volunteer; however one year is frequently the standard.

  • You must be a member in good standing.
  • You must commit to attending conference calls of your committee.
  • You must complete tasks/projects you volunteer to do for the committee. If your committee is involved with particular programs, show your support by participating in the programs.
  • Committee service is strictly on a volunteer basis, such as phone calls, with all incurred costs being your responsibility.

How to Volunteer
To apply to be on  any of AWC’s national committees email