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HomeAbout Clarion Awards

About Clarion Awards
Highly sought after by both women and men, the Clarions—named for the medieval trumpet known for its clarity—symbolize excellence in clear, concise communications. Clarion recipients represent media companies large and small, leading corporations, small businesses, and nonprofit associations and institutions.

Started in 1973, the Clarions honor excellence in 100 categories across all communications disciplines, including advertising & marketing, audiovisual productions, books & CDs, brochures, custom & special publications, education, fund development, magazines, major news events, newsletters, newspapers, online media, photography, graphics & design communications, public relations, radio, and television.

Check out the outstanding list of past winners, including the International Crystal Clarion Winner.

All Clarion entries must be submitted online. Please review the updated categories and entry requirements as there may have been changes.

Click any link below for further information.
If you have won a Clarion and would like to purchase an additional award, order one now!

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Phone: 417-886-8606